Mining of deposits in natural hazard conditions

JUNE 30, 2017. 

LOCALIZATION: Borynia Colliery – training center
TITLE: Mining of deposits in natural hazard conditions

Coordinator from the Management Office of JSW: R. Dobrzyński ([email protected], +48 32 756 4343)

Presentations (time of each presentation 15 minutes)

Session chairman:
Dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Burtan – Head of Department of Underground Mining, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow

10:00 10:15 Krzysztof Król (WUG) Scale of natural hazards occurrence in bituminous coal mines
10:15 10:30 Zbigniew Burtan (AGH)   Relevance of the associated natural hazards in the mines of Upper Silesian Coal Basin
10:30 10:45 Jarosław Twardokęs, Damian Araszczuk, Marian Zmarzły (JSW S.A, KWK Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie) State and ways of rock and gas outbursts hazard prevention in Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie Mine, Zofiówka Colliery
10:45 11:00 Krzysztof Cybulski - GiG State and ways of development of coal dust explosion hazard prevention in bituminous coal mines
11:00 11:15 Zdzisław Filip, Janusz Czarnecki, Andrzej Okoń, Zbigniew Laskowski (Tauron Wydobycie, ZG Brzeszcze Prevention of methane, fire and rock bursts hazards for newly mined 05 Longwall in the 510 seam in the Western area of Brzeszcze Mine
11:15 11:30 Jan Drzewiecki (GIG) Risk of heading destruction as a result of a seismic tremor
11:30 12:00    
12:00 12:15 Marek Skuza, Grzegorz Baran, Adam Mermon (PGG, KWK Murcki-Staszic) Exploitation of the 510 seam in the S field in Murcki-Staszic Mine in associated natural hazards conditions
12:15 12:30 Dr hab. inż. Marek Borowski (AGH) Impact of the active rock burst prevention on the level of methane hazard – case study
12:30 12:45 Michał Piecha, Aleksander Pietrzycki, Łukasz Wojtecki (PGG, KWK Ruda) Rock burst prevention in conditions of occurrence of associated natural hazards in Ruda Mine, Bielszowice Colliery
12:45 13:00 Dariusz Chlebowski (AGH) Meaning of former exploitation influence in the assessment of rockburst hazard state
13:00 13:15 Zdzisław Filip, Janusz Czarnecki, Janusz Jarczyk, Ryszard Batko (TAURON Wydobycie S.A., ZG Sobieski) Water hazard in Tauron Wydobycie Sobieski Mine and ways of fighting on the example of the occurrence of water and rock material outflow in the main haulage inclined drift
13:15 13:30 Zbigniew Kuczera (AGH), Sławomir Karlikowski, Wiesław Banasiak (LW Bogdanka S.A.) Reduction of the coal dust pollution in drivage face in LW Bogdanka S.A.
13:30 14:00   Discussion